Note: Documents submitted to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) are available to the public on request subject to limited exceptions.
Before filing an appeal:
- Check the notice of decision or document you received to determine the filing deadline for your appeal and where your appeal should be submitted (e.g., Secretary-Treasurer, Clerk, Minister, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Ontario Land Tribunal).
- Review the relevant portions of the applicable legislation and transition regulations.
- Determine whether your approval authority is registered with the OLT’s e-file portal to see if you can file your appeal through the portal.
- If you are using the Appeal Form, review our Appeal Form Instructions to assist you with completing the form and review the checklist below for a list of required materials to be submitted along with the Appeal Form (if applicable)
- Ensure the appeals are completed by the appellant or an authorized representative.
- File your appeal form and fee (if applicable) at the correct location within the legislated deadline.
The documents required with the appeal will vary depending on your appeal type, Please review the checklists below for the list of required materials to be submitted along with the Appeal Form:
- Other Planning Matters Checklist (Section 3B of the A1 Form) (HTML | Word)
- Appeals Under Environmental Legislation Checklist (Section 4A of the A1 Form) (HTML | Word)
- Environmental Application for Leave to Appeal Checklist (Section 4B of the A1 Form) (HTML | Word)
- Mining Claim and Conservation Matters Checklist (Section 6 of the A1 Form) (HTML | Word)
Toronto Local Appeal Body (TLAB)
In the City of Toronto, most minor variance and consent appeals from the Toronto Committee of Adjustment should be filed with the TLAB, not the OLT. All appeals must still be filed with the Secretary Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment by the deadline noted on the Notice of Decision. Contact the TLAB for more information.
Site Plans
Appeals of site plan matters must be filed directly with the municipality, not with the OLT. The municipality will forward these appeals to the OLT for processing.
Appellant/Applicant Form
Appeal Form A1 must be completed for matters before the OLT
The Notice of Decision should indicate the filing deadline. To verify where to submit the appeal forms, please consult the legislation applicable to your appeal.
Please review the notice or document you received to determine the deadline for appeal and the specific official with whom the appeal should be filed (e.g., Secretary-Treasurer, Clerk, Minister, Niagara Escarpment Commission, Ontario Land Tribunal). You should also review the relevant portions of the applicable legislation.
Municipality/Approval Authority Submission Form
The Municipality/Approval Authority Form is only for municipalities and other approval authorities. This form is not intended to be used by the public:
The submission form and associated referral checklists should be sent to the Tribunal with the appeal form(s) received and the required attachments.
For assistance, please call the OLT’s public inquiry at (416) 212-6349 or toll free 1-866-448-2248.
Other Forms (Samples and Templates)
If you submit a copy of your form by email, send it directly to the assigned Tribunal Case Coordinator. It is not necessary to copy the Registrar on emails.
- Expropriation Mediation Request Form (HTML | Word)
- Request for Issuance of a Summons to Witness (HTML | Word)
- Request for Adjournment (HTML | Word)
- Acknowledgement of Expert Duty (HTML | Word)
- Request for Certified Exhibit (HTML | Word)
- Request for Certified Decision (HTML | Word)
- Constitutional Question (HTML | Word)
- Notice of Motion (HTML | Word)
- Notice of Reply (HTML | Word)
- Notice of Response to Motion (HTML | Word)
- Sample Affidavit (HTML | Word)
- Sample Affidavit of Service (HTML | Word)
- Sample Document Book ( PDF )
- Sample Notice of Hearing Event – Affidavit of Service (HTML | Word)
- Sample Procedural Order (HTML | Word)
- Participant Status Request Form and Participant Statement Form (HTML | Word)
- Party Status Request Form (HTML | Word)
- Representative of a Party Commencement of Authorization Form (HTML | Word)
- Representative of a Party Cessation of Authorization Form (HTML | Word)