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Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON M5G 1E5
Tel: 416-212-6349 | 1-866-448-2248
Web Site:
Appeal Form (A1)

Municipal/Approval Authority Date Stamp Receipt Number
(OLT Office Use Only)
Date Stamp – Appeal Received by OLT
OLT Case Number
(OLT Office Use Only)

You may be able to submit your appeal online using our new e-file service if:

Please visit our e-file page to learn more.

Please complete this Appeal Form by following the instructions in the companion document titled “Appeal Form Instructions”. Please read both documents carefully to ensure you submit the correct information and complete this form correctly.

There are guides available for review on the Tribunal’s website for different appeal types to assist you in filing an appeal.

Please review the notice of the decision you are appealing to determine the appeal deadline and the specific official with whom the appeal should be filed (e.g. Secretary-Treasurer, Clerk, Minister, Ontario Land Tribunal) prior to completing this Appeal Form. Relevant portions of the applicable legislation should also be reviewed before submitting this form. Your appeal must be filed with the appropriate authority within the appeal period as set out in the notice of the decision and applicable legislation.

Section 1 – Contact Information (Mandatory)
Applicant/Appellant/Objector/Claimant Information

Representative Information

I hereby authorize the named company and/or individual(s) to represent me

Note: If your representative is not licensed under the Law Society Act, please confirm that they have your written authorization, as required by the OLT Rules of Practice and Procedure, to act on your behalf and that they are also exempt under the Law Society’s by-laws to provide legal services. Please confirm this by checking the box below.

I certify that I understand that my representative is not licensed under the Law Society Act and I have provided my written authorization to my representative to act on my behalf with respect to this matter. I understand that my representative may be asked to produce this authorization at any time along with confirmation of their exemption under the Law Society’s by-laws to provide legal services.

Location Information

Are you the current owner of the subject property?

Yes No

Language Requirements

Do you require services in French?

Yes No

To file an appeal, please complete the section below. Complete one line for each appeal type
Subject of Appeal Type of Appeal
(Act/Legislation Name)
(Section Number)
Example Minor Variance Planning Act 45(12)

Section 2 – Appeal Type (Mandatory)
Please select the applicable type of matter
Select Legislation associated with your matter Complete Only the
Section(s) Below
Appeal of Planning Act matters for Official Plans and amendments, Zoning By-Laws and amendments and Plans of Subdivision, Interim Control By-laws, Site Plans, Minor Variances, Consents and Severance 3A
Appeal of Development Charges, Education Act, Aggregate Resources Act, Municipal Act matters 3A
Appeal of or objection to Ontario Heritage Act matters under subsections 29, 30.1, 31, 32, 33, 40.1 and 41 3A
Appeal of Planning Act (subsections 33(4), 33(10), 33(15), 36(3)), Municipal Act (subsection 223(4)), City of Toronto Act (subsection 129(4)) and Ontario Heritage Act (subsections 34.1(1), 42(6)) matters 3A & 3B
Appeal of Clean Water Act, Environmental Protection Act, Nutrient Management Act, Ontario Water Resources Act, Pesticides Act, Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Toxics Reduction Act, and Waste Diversion Transition Act matters 4A
Application for Leave to Appeal under the Environmental Bill of Right 4B
Appeal under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act (NEPDA) 5
Appeal of Conservation Authorities Act, Mining Act, Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, Assessment Act, and Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act matters 6
Legislation not listed above Contact OLT before filing your appeal

Section 3A – Planning Matters
Appeal Reasons and Specific Information

Has a public meeting been held by the municipality? Yes No

For appeals of Official Plans, Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-laws and Zoning By-law Amendments, please indicate if you will rely on one or more of the following grounds:

A: A decision of a Council or Approval Authority is:

Inconsistent with the Provincial Policy Statement issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act

Fails to conform with or conflicts with a provincial plan

Fails to conform with an applicable Official Plan

B: For a non-decision or decision to refuse by council:

Consistency with the provincial policy statement, issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act

Conformity with a provincial plan

Conformity with the upper-tier municipality’s Official Plan or an applicable Official Plan

Oral/Written Submissions to Council

Did you make your opinions regarding this matter known to council?

Oral submissions at a public meeting of council

Written submissions to council

Not applicable

Related Matters

Yes No

Yes No

Section 3B – Other Planning Matters
Appeal Specific Information (Continued)

There are required documents and materials to be submitted to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) based on the type of legislation and section you are filing under. Please see the Section 3B Checklist(s) located here and submit all documents listed.

Section 4A – Appeals under Environmental Legislation
Appeal Specific Information (Continued)

Applying for Stay? Yes No

There are required documents and materials to be submitted to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) based on the type of legislation and section you are filing under. Please see the Section 4A Checklist(s) located here and submit all documents listed on the checklist.

Section 4B – Environmental Application for Leave to Appeal
Appeal Specific Information (Continued)

Are you filing an Application for Leave to Appeal under the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993? Yes No

There are required documents and materials to be submitted to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) based on the type of legislation and section you are filing under. Please see the Section 4B Checklist(s) located here and submit all documents listed on the checklist.

Section 5 – Appeal regarding Development Permit Application under the Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act
Appeal Specific Information

Section 6 – Mining Claim and Conservation Matters
Appeal Specific Information

List the subject Mining Claim Number(s) (for unpatented mining claims) and accompanying Townships, Areas and Mining Division(s) where mining claims are situated. List all “Filed Only” Mining Claims, if appropriate: (This is to be completed for Mining Act appeals only.)

List the Parcel and the Property Identifier Numbers (PIN), if rents or taxes apply to mining lands, if appropriate (mining claims only):

Provide the date of the Decision of the Conservation Authority or the Provincial Mining Recorder, as appropriate:

Provide a brief outline of the reasons for your application/appeal/review. If other lands/owners are affected, please include that information in the outline being provided below:

Respondent Information

There are required documents and materials to be submitted to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) based on the type of legislation and section you are filing under. Please see the Section 6 Checklist(s) located here and submit all documents listed on the checklist.

Section 7 – Filing Fee
Required Fee

Please see the attached link to view the OLT Fee Chart

Total Fee Submitted: $

Payment Method:

Certified ChequeMoney OrderLawyer’s general or trust account chequeCredit Card

If you wish to pay the appeal fee(s) by credit card, please check the box above and OLT staff will contact you by telephone to complete the payment process upon receipt of the appeal form.


If a request for a fee reduction is being requested, please pay the minimum filing fee for each appeal and complete/submit the Fee Reduction request form

Request for Fee Reduction form is attached (if applicable – see Appeal Form Guide for more information)

Section 8 – Declaration (Mandatory)

I solemnly declare that all the statements and the information provided, as well as any supporting documents, are true, correct and complete.
By signing this appeal form below, I consent to the collection of my personal information.

Name of Appellant/Representative Signature of Appellant/Representative Date (yyyy/mm/dd)

Personal information or documentation requested on this form is collected under the authority of the Ontario Land Tribunal Act and the legislation under which the proceeding is commenced. All information collected is included in the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) case file and the public record in this proceeding. In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and section 9 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, all information collected is available to the public subject to limited exceptions.

We are committed to providing services as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
If you have any accessibility needs, please contact our Accessibility Coordinator at or toll free at 1-866-448-2248 as soon as possible.

Section 9 – Filing Checklists (Mandatory)
Filing/Submitting your form and documentation

You must file your Appeal Form with the appropriate authority(s) by the filing deadline.

If the completed Section is: Refer to the relevant checklist and submit all documents listed on the checklist when filing your Appeal Form.
Section 3B Review the Section 3B Checklist(s) and attach all listed documents.
Section 4A Review the Section 4A Checklist(s) and attach all listed documents.
Section 4B Review the Section 4B Checklist(s) and attach all listed documents.

If the completed Section is: You must file with the following:
Section 3A Municipality or the Approval Authority/School Board

*If you are filing under the Ontario Heritage Act, including under s. 34.1(1), please carefully review the specific section of that legislation to determine if your appeal needs to be filed with the Tribunal in addition to the Municipality or Approval Authority.
Section 3A & 3B or Section 4A or Section 4B or Section 6
Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON M5G 1E5
Phone: 416-212-6349 |
Section 5A or 5B
For the Areas of:
Dufferin County (Mono)
Region of Halton
Region of Peel
Region of Niagara
City of Hamilton
File with:
232 Guelph Street, 3rd Floor
Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1

Phone: 905-877-5191
Fax: 905-873-7452
For the Areas of:
Bruce County
Grey County
Simcoe County
Dufferin County (Mulmur, Melancthon)
File with:
1450 7th Avenue
Owen Sound, ON N4K 2Z1

Phone: 519-371-1001
Fax: 519-371-1009

NOTE: Please review the notice of the decision you are appealing to determine the appeal deadline and the specific official with whom the appeal should be filed (e.g. Secretary-Treasurer, Clerk, Minister, Ontario Land Tribunal).

NOTE: Relevant portions of the applicable legislation should be reviewed before submitting this form. Please ensure that a copy of this Appeal Form is served in accordance with the requirements of the applicable legislation.