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Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON M5G 1E5
Tel: 416-212-6349 | 1-866-448-2248
Web Site:
Party Status Request Form

This form is expected to be provided at least 10 days in advance of the first hearing event to the Tribunal and all parties. Please contact the assigned Tribunal Case Coordinator to verify the relevant contact information for the parties. (A paper copy of this form must also be provided to the Tribunal Member when the event is in person).

IMPORTANT: This form is your written request for party status. The presiding Tribunal Member will consider your request at the hearing event and will provide a determination on whether to grant you party status.

Request Date (yyyy/mm/dd):

Case Information

Tribunal Case Number:

Date of Case Management Conference/Hearing (yyyy/mm/dd):

Contact Information

Last Name:

First Name:

Company Name:

Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

Representative Contact Information (if applicable)

Last Name:

First Name:

Company Name:

Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

I certify that I have written authorization to act as a representative and I understand that I may be asked to produce this authorization at any time.

Status Request Details

A person who is authorized to participate in a proceeding as a party may participate fully in the proceeding in accordance with Rule 8 of the OLT’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.

In the space below, please provide an outline of your interest and an explanation as to how your involvement will help the Tribunal resolve the issues raised in the appeal. You may also provide documentation or attachments to support your request:


  1. Please refer to Rules 8.1 and 8.3 of the OLT's Rules of Practice and Procedure regarding the Role and Obligations of a Party and how a Non-Appellant Party may participate in a proceeding.

  2. The OLT issues all correspondence to parties and participants electronically.

  3. Personal information or documentation requested on this form is collected under the authority of the Ontario Land Tribunal Act and the legislation under which the proceeding is commenced.

  4. All information collected is included in the OLT case file and the public record in this proceeding

  5. In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and section 9 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, all information collected is available to the public subject to limited exceptions.