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The Ontario Land Tribunal is committed to providing modern, fair, responsive, accessible, effective and efficient dispute resolution services. To promote a more efficient hearing process, the Tribunal continues to expand its mediation services.

Tribunal-led mediation facilitates the early resolution of complex, contentious and sensitive matters, offering assistance to settle issues between parties at any time in a proceeding.

The Benefits of Mediation

Using the mediation services offered by the Tribunal:

  • is a voluntary and confidential process
  • encourages collaboration and negotiation between parties
  • involves the intervention of a mediator, a neutral third-party, to assist in resolving a dispute
  • allows parties to reach an amicable settlement and achieve ultimate resolutions in a way that is not possible to be achieved at hearings
  • leads to reduced hearing times and faster resolution of disputes
  • is typically less costly than a hearing on the merits

Learn more about the Tribunal’s Mediation Centre and Mediation Services Team.

Mediation for Environmental, Mining, Planning and Heritage Matters

Mediation for municipal and environmental matters such as land use planning, environmental and natural features, and heritage protection, is available to parties involved in a case that is currently open before the OLT.


You are required to submit your request for mediation in writing to the Tribunal, through the assigned Case Coordinator. The Tribunal will conduct a Mediation Assessment to determine if the issue or matter is suitable for mediation.

The Tribunal may deny a request for mediation if:

  • it is determined that it is frivolous, vexatious or for the purpose of delay
  • the mediation would have little or no chance of success
  • adjudication is more efficacious or more cost-effective for resolution

Learn more about Mediation by checking the Tribunal’s Mediation Practice Direction, the Mediation section in the Hearings Guide or Rule 18 of the OLT’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.

Mediation for Expropriation Matters

A Party can request OLT-led mediation at any stage of the proceeding, including both before and/or after the service of the Notice of Application and Statements of Claim.

The Tribunal offers two mediations streams for expropriation disputes: (1) Simplified Mediation and (2) Formal Mediation. Both streams are conducted by certified Mediators.

The differences between the two streams are as follows:

Simplified MediationFormal Mediation
Only available to the parties before the OLT in matters under the Expropriations ActAvailable to the parties before the OLT in any matter within our jurisdiction
Mediated by Mediators who are appointed by Order-in-CouncilMediated by Tribunal-designated external Mediators
Previously operated as the former Board of NegotiationOperated by the OLT Mediation Services Team

The option of which mediation stream to choose is up to the parties engaging in mediation.

If you would like to ask the OLT to hold a mediation, please fill out our Expropriation Mediation Request Form. There is no additional fee for a request of mediation at the OLT.

You can send the completed form to:


If you wish to submit physical copies, you can mail to:

Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, ON M5G 1E5

Please ensure that you also send a copy to the other party (the expropriating authority or the owner) on the same day as filing.

When the OLT receives your request, a member of the Mediation Services Team or the Case Coordinator will reach out to you with next steps.

Scheduling your Mediation

A mediation that deals with land in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) usually takes place at the OLT’s offices in Toronto. If the subject property is located outside of the GTA, mediations may be held at the local municipal office, a lawyer’s office, or another amenable location. Mediations may also be convened electronically (phone or video).

Mediation Materials

Prior to a mediation taking place, mediators may request further materials from the Parties such as:

  • Property appraisals and market evaluations
  • Maps
  • Aerial photographs
  • Other photographs
  • Lists of comparable property sales
  • Business evaluations
  • Tenant agreements
  • Maps
  • Any other materials that support your compensation claim.

All materials intended to be used during the mediation, or requested by the mediator, shall be provided electronically to the Tribunal or otherwise as directed by the mediator.

Before the date of the mediation, the OLT also requires a list of all the attendees.

When your mediation is confirmed, the OLT will send the parties communication that confirms:

  • The format and location of the mediation
  • The time and date of the mediation
  • Any additional materials that should be sent to the OLT.

The parties shall notify the Tribunal in writing within 30 days following a party’s acceptance of an offer of settlement made by the other party. Upon the payment of compensation due under such settlement, and subject to the determination of costs and interest under the Act, the application before the Tribunal shall be closed subject to any directions or orders from the Tribunal.