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October 13, 2023 | News

OLT is streamlining its practices and procedures to offer the best opportunity for a fair, just and expeditious resolution of proceedings under the Expropriations Act.

The OLT considered all comments received during public consultation and made further revisions in finalizing revisions to Part II of its Rules of Practice and Procedure (“OLT Rules”)

The revised OLT Rules are now posted on the OLT website and are effective as of October 13, 2023. The revisions facilitate active case management and encourage the use of mediation for expropriation matters.

Mediation fosters collaboration and negotiation between parties and often narrows the issues in dispute, facilitates settlements and leads to more efficient and effective dispute resolution. To learn more about Mediation, please refer to the Tribunal’s Guides and Mediation web page.

Any questions about the revised OLT Rules can be directed to