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Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON M5G 1E5
Tel: 416-212-6349 | 1-866-448-2248
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Full English Video Transcript with Description:

How do you request Party or Participant status for a hearing at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)?

Video Length: 6:25

[Opening screen with title, and the Ontario Land Tribunal logo appears.]

Narrator: This video has been created to help you with how to request Party or Participant status for a hearing at the Ontario Land Tribunal.

[The title and logo slide off-screen. A community mailbox appears with an envelope appearing behind it. The envelope opens and reveals a sample notice letter.]

Narrator: You’ve received notice about a hearing event taking place on an Ontario Land Tribunal case - and you want to get involved.

[The mailbox and sample notice letter slides over to the right. A laptop with the same notice letter on screen slides in from the left to create a split-screen for the two scenes.]

Narrator: If you would like to participate, and have not received a notice, or would like more information about your case, please visit

[The mailbox and laptop slide off-screen. The sample notice letter enlarges on the screen. The sample notice fades away, and a browser window appears. The case status page from the OLT’s website appears. The page navigates to the case status lookup tool.]

Narrator: For some appeals, members of the public who are not an appellant or applicant in the case are able to file a written request with the Tribunal to participate in a case proceeding.

[The browser fades away. A sample blank sheet fades in with a sample written request to participate in a hearing. The written notice fades away and the sample notice fades in. The sample notice scrolls and highlights the respective submission requirement areas.]

Narrator: How can you ensure that your submission goes smoothly, so that your concerns are heard? Gather all the information you need to fill out the form. You will need: the Tribunal Case Number, the date of the hearing event. the contact information of the assigned Tribunal Case Coordinator and the parties involved.

All this information is available in the Notice.

[The notice fades away. A blank canvas slides in and a checklist goes through the respective requirement areas].

Narrator: You will also need: your representative’s contact information (if you’re using one), any documentation to support your position, which you may attach with your form, citizen groups or associations must be incorporated and include the incorporation document.

[The checklist slides off-screen. A split screen is created with the Participant Status Request Form on the left, and the Party Status Request Form on the right.]

Narrator: You can request to be either a Participant or a Party in a case proceeding. There is a separate form for each status request. What is the difference?

[The Party Status Request Form slides off-screen to the right. The Participant Status Request Form slides in from the left and fills the screen. A list of the respective differences appear].

Narrator: A “Participant” may only make submissions to the Tribunal in writing, unless otherwise provided for by an Act or Regulation. Their written statement sets out their position on the case, including an explanation of their reasons for taking that position. Participants cannot provide oral submissions at the hearing event.

[The Participant Status Request Form list collapses and slides back to the left. The Party Status Request Form reappears from the right. The Party column expands to fill the screen, at which a list of the key differences is listed].

Narrator: A “Party” may participate fully in the proceeding. For example, they may: Identify issues raised in the notice of appeal; Bring or respond to any motion in the proceeding; Present opening and closing submissions at the hearing; Present, examine and cross-examine witnesses; Claim costs or be subject to a costs award when ordered by the Tribunal; and Request a review of the Tribunal’s decision or order.

[The Party Status Request Form and column slides off-screen. A browser showcasing the OLT’s webpage slides on-screen. The guides, and legislation and rules, page is highlighted and navigated to].

Narrator: You can check out the Tribunal’s Guides and Rules of Practice and Procedure to learn more about the Tribunal processes and get information to complete your form. You can also contact the assigned case coordinator if you have any additional questions.

[The browser navigates to the forms page on the OLT website. The Participant and Party Status form is highlighted].

Narrator: Once you’ve decided whether you’d like to request “party” or “participant” status, you can complete either the party or participant status request form. You will have an option to select HTML, or a word document. If you do not have access to word processing software, you may fill the form right from your web browser using the HTML option.

[The browser goes to the HTML webform for the Party Status Request Form. The respective input fields are filled in].

Narrator: Now you are ready to fill out the form. Make sure you save the webform as a PDF after you complete it – you will see a save form button.

[The browser slides off-screen. A calendar grid appears in, and the 16th and 26th day of the month is circled to indicate the 10-calendar day submission deadline].

Narrator: Your submissions must be received at least 10 calendar days before the hearing date, starting from the date you submitted your form. For example, if your hearing date is the 26th, then your submission deadline is the 16th. Submitting documents early is always a good way to stay on top of your deadline dates.

[Calendar grid slides off-screen. The respective text appears in the center.

Narrator: By submitting a Party or Participant status request form, you are, therefore, required to attend the hearing event yourself or to send a representative on your behalf.

[The text fades. An email client appears. The email fields are filled out, while the respective requirement lists are shown].

Narrator: You can submit your completed form by email. You must send your form to everyone in schedule A, found in your notice. It is easiest to send your request in one email to all of these recipients and the Tribunal at the same time. Remember to include the OLT case number in the subject line of the email. It’s important to follow the naming convention for your file submissions. Make sure to include your case number, what your role is in the case, what kind of document type it is, and lastly, the date of the hearing.

[An envelope appears with a mailing stamp being affixed, while the address information is shown. Once completed, the envelope is shipped off].

Narrator: If required, you can mail us the completed printed request forms to the Tribunal’s office. Please note that certified documents can also be submitted electronically and are not required to be submitted physically.

[The Respective text appears].

The status request will be considered during the first hearing event by the presiding Tribunal Member. A decision will be made either during the hearing event or when the written decision is issued.

[The Respective text fades and new text appears].

Narrator: Only persons who are granted Party or Participant status will continue to be involved in any further hearing event(s) that may be convened by the Tribunal for this matter.

[The Respective text slides off-screen and new text appears].

Narrator: You will receive a hearing event Notice. It may be a Case Management Conference or a Hearing of the Merits.

[The Respective text fades and new text appears].

Narrator: A Case Management Conference, or CMC, is a hearing event held prior to the Hearing of the Merits to deal with preliminary and procedural issues and the organization of the Hearing of the Merits.

[The respective text slides to the top half of the screen. New respective text is shown on the bottom half of the screen].

Narrator: A Hearing of the Merits, referred to simply as a hearing, is the event in which the parties present their case (for example, evidence and submissions) for the Tribunal to make a decision on the appeal.

[The Respective text slides off-screen. The applicable legislative acts is being scrolled through, while the respective text is shown beside it].

Narrator: For your reference, all information submitted in status requests is included in the public record of the case under the authority of the Ontario Land Tribunal Act and in accordance with the Tribunal Adjudicative Records Act and section 9 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act.

[The Respective text slides off-screen and new text appears]. Narrator: There may be times where the process may be different. In this case, the instructions for requesting status will be included in the notice of hearing event. Please refer to the notice or contact the assigned case coordinator for more information.

[The Respective text fades and the OLT logo appears, along with the Crown Copyright mark].